
NEWS ANALYSIS: What lessons have been learnt from COVID-19? Is it not time to chart a new world order? The pandemic knows no boundary, proving wrong the old known order


Mr Mzimkhulu Sithetho

Managing Director of the Governance Institute for Sustainable Development and Editor-In-Chief of

COVID-19 has shown that global governance systems are weak. It has exposed the weakness of global health systems, especially the World Health Organisation. It has demolished the old world order.
MASERU: The COVID-19 has undoubtedly brought sorrow, grief and has made life a living hell for many people around the globe. Apart from those who have been directly affected by the pandemic in the form of being infected by the virus, there are other sorrowful implications brought to humanity by the virus. The known and expected are an economic meltdown, stagnation of business and fracture of daily operations. However, there are effects felt by the underdog, the unrecognised man and woman in the street and a grandmother who takes care of grandchildren orphaned by other diseases. Therefore, poverty, destitution, hunger and famine have been some of the aftermaths of the virus. Poverty has historically been there even at times when there was strong economic activity, there was a man or woman on the wayside of society. The effects of climate change, spells of drought and unemployment have been there. But the scourge of coronavirus is yet to claim its toll. However, during these trying times, there were good deeds that were seen by people who extended a helping hand to others during the trying times. There are citizens who took upon themselves to help those who cannot help themselves. analyses the lessons that humanity might have learnt from the pandemic and what can be done to rescue humanity going forward. Humanity has been blamed for wrongdoing

Humanity has been blamed for wrongdoing 

Most of the time, humanity has been criticised for many bad things. Criticism levelled against humanity has been that it has contributed to the natural disasters - hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, wars and civil strife. Climate change resulting in long drought spells leading to poor harvest and food production have also been apportioned on human nature. However, it is not always the case that humanity is all bad. Yes, to a large extent, human actions have prompted the many global risks that humanity has experienced and continues to experience. But with that, humanity is also doing good for humanity. There are good deeds that humanity has embarked upon for the good of human beings. The global developments, treatment of deadly diseases of the past, growth of world economies, construction of large projects and highways as well as the international trade are activities that humanity has bequeathed in human beings.  Yes, humanity might be facing a hurdle now, but it is not all bad. With time, a vaccine will be discovered by efforts of humanity to curb the scourge of COVID-19.

People are part of one soul 

There is no gainsaying that the world has become a global village, with physical territorial boundaries having being rendered meaningless, except for political reasons. The high mobility of people across the globe, the advent of information and communication technologies that has decoupled space and time, the dilution of culture across the globe and the diminution of sovereign states; have all contributed to making humanity a one soul. This has in the long term prompted the fact that global problems know no boundaries and solutions permeate the physical boundaries of nations. Wars, conflicts and other sorrows that have afflicted humanity are today viewed as global problems and solutions to those problems have become a unified effort. The scourge of the COVID-19 is no different phenomenon as it is also viewed in the same spirit of a global crisis that has permeated physical boundaries of countries. COVID-19 knows no first world country, no second world economy, no western country, no BRICS, nor superpower or third world country. It is a global crisis that has hit even the largest and most sophisticated economies of the world. But the world has become one soul in the fight against this pandemic.

Good deeds of people to other people 

During these trying times, these moments of tribulation, global strain and a feeling of helplessness, not because governments have no financial stamina, but because there is still no wisdom on how to defeat the coronavirus. As earlier said, even the biggest economies of the world, which have all the financial and economic resources and the might to do anything have fallen apart. The biggest economies of the world that are capable of generating nuclear bombs of mass destruction are crawling on the floor. 
On the inverse, the devastating effects of COVID-19 have been felt by the needy, the poor, the vulnerable and marginalised members of society. The after effects of the lockdowns that have been imposed by governments are felt and are also still going to be felt by those who are living on the margins of society. While other people have locked themselves in their own beautiful and comfortable homes, with heating systems and food, there are those who sleep with an empty stomach. There are those who had no shelter to protect themselves from the ghastly cold spells of winds, frost and other predicaments of a cold weather. At night, when others go to their rooms of comfort, they slept on the floor outside. There are those who looked into the garbage bins along streets, but found nothing to eat, as there is no one in the streets from whom to beg for something. 
Nonetheless, hope is not lost in the midst of the crisis as there are international and national efforts made by good people. Without governments, there are acts of good heartedness extended to the needy, the poor and the vulnerable. Foundations that are known for good deeds have done their best to help those who cannot help themselves. At national and small-scale district and even village level, there are businessmen and women who have been touched by the holy spirit to extend a helping hand to others.   There are men and women, who, driven by their righteousness to feel for the next person who does not have food, have been able to share the little that they have. There are good men and women, who have gone out of their way to buy food parcels - mealie-meal, cooking oil, beans and other commodities to share with the needy, the vulnerable and those who cannot help themselves. It could be remiss of the world to not expect the adverse implications of COVID-19 on humanity, not from the sickly perspective, but aggravation of poverty, hunger and famine, which were already negative spells on other people. It is time to chart a new world order.

Lessons of COVID-19 for humanity 

It will be remiss for humanity if it will not have learnt one lesson or two from the scourge of the Coronavirus. One lesson that COVID-19 has to teach humanity is that an injury for one person is an injury for all people across the globe. It doe ss not matter how mighty and powerful a country is, but wisdom can come even from those not viewed to be superpowers. The question is, where are the levers of international power being directed - East, West, Middle or South? COVID-19 should also have bequeathed humanity with the understanding that sometimes being a superpower (in terms of largest economy and weaponry of mass destruction) cannot be an indicator for might. The lesson that all must have learnt is that it calls for all countries, all economies, small and large, to come together and find a lasting solution to the pandemic and future pandemics. It is unfortunate that countries have forbidden international travels. If not, the United Nations General Assembly should have called an extraordinary meeting of world countries to power on the efforts that the world can put in place to eradicate COVID-19. But what remains a naked truth is that the levers of international power and influence might have shifted. As to where, is a discussion of the near future. Resultantly, the world order that has existed for decades must change and for the benefit of all.  God bless planet Earth.

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